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Updated: Mar 15

Trusting yourself is serious business. Self-trust is the energy that empowers you to manifest a meaningful, inspired life, to live each moment, knowing that you will be able to manage anything that comes your way.

It is confidence in the spiritual truth that ‘You are never given more than you can handle.’

Unwavering trust in yourself is an essential mindset. It allows for the creation of amazing careers, groundbreaking accomplishments, and positive relationships, among other things.

Believing in yourself can be challenging since fear can easily plunge you into uncertainty. However, the more you know that your higher consciousness is leading the way, the easier it is to live from a place of self-assurance.

As a transformational facilitator, I’ve noticed core reasons people flounder in lack of self-trust, all symptomatic of fear.

On the surface it appears to be fear of failure, but underneath, fear of success is lurking subconsciously. It is tough to confront and admit, but this fear is universal, camouflaged in various disguises.

It can appear as dwelling on past mistakes or adversities, convinced that this is the way it is and will always be so why bother trying. Or compulsively analyzing and replaying the past to avoid making the same blunders in the future.

Addiction to worrying about those 'what-ifs' is another way fear of success manifests. Rather than productive planning and results oriented problem-solving, stressing generates lack of self-trust. It might give an illusion of control, but is ultimately one more success-preventing snare.

Finally, there is perfectionism. Holding yourself to impossibly high standards, setting up unattainable goals, and being highly self-critical often covers up not feeling perfect inside. This subtle tactic is an artful way to avoid success, known to predominantly impact highly intelligent people.

Besides doing the inner work to resolve root sources of fear success (I can help with that), here is one-sentence life-affirming way to strengthen your self-trust muscle:

Courageously face your fears and do it anyway.

Doing that delivers tangible proof that you are trustworthy and can handle anything.

As an inhabitant of a physical body, you have a spiritual commitment to completely trust yourself, to be the person you can count on 100% of the time.

Trust yourself to define your future. Unlock the life you deserve.


Royce Morales excitedly announces her new radio show,

"Listen Up with Royce Morales!" focusing on listening to your intuition!

She will be interviewing fascinating people who have listened and trusted their intuition in big ways. Airing the fourth Monday of every month at 9:00 a.m. PST on

Royce is honored to have Michael Benner as her first guest on August 23rd!

Royce Morales is a renowned spiritual trailblazer who has been teaching her innovative approach to deep inner transformation for decades. She developed Perfect Life Awakening, an empowering program of spiritually-based tools to discover and resolve roots of self-sabotaging, subconscious programming. This profound work brings enlightenment down to earth, and unlocks the door to your highest potential.

If you are struggling to find joy, meaning and self-love, this inner adventure can shift your consciousness, awaken you to a life of deservingness and connect you with your soul's meaningful purpose.

Royce offers remote group classes, an e-course and private inner journey sessions using her empowering spiritual clearing techniques.

Contact Royce for a free fifteen minute consultation to see if this inner adventure is a good fit.

Royce is the author of three fascinating books about her teachings: “Want: True love, past lives and other complications;” “Know: A spiritual wake-up call;” and “Back: Rebirth After Stroke,” all available on

Her website is and Twitter is @RoyceMorales. She can be reached at

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