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Updated: Mar 15

Ah, Tax Day. Does it bring to mind those subconscious abundance blocks running your financial show? Your limiting beliefs and negative mindset patterns trying to convince you of your worth? Or lack of worth?

Abundance blocks are universally common and show up in a variety of ways. Like always losing money when you invest; not being able to stay on budget; not getting a well-earned raise; not being able to ask for what you want; never getting ahead.

I'm not just talking about money. Abundance blocks show up in your health, your relationships, your time, your energy. They stop you from manifesting your dreams, discovering and living your life purpose. You feel strapped to a life of worry and struggle, like a series of futile obstacles you can never overcome.

Problem is that the slew of false beliefs echoing in your mind sound like truths. Especially when similar situations show up repeatedly to add more ooomph to them.

But everything that happens in life is a manifestation of how much you believe you deserve. And you started believing those lies even before you knew what money was.

It might appear that you were influenced by the level of poverty or riches you were born into, or messages given by parents and society. But actually, your abundance level comes from incidents when you decided you are not deserving.

So, how can you remove those barriers?

The first step is to reflect on what abundance means to you. What does having or not having money symbolize? Notice what comes to mind even if it doesn’t make sense.

Recognize how often you find yourself in repetitious lack-ful situations. That’s a good way to get in touch with your programmed beliefs.

I repeat: Abundance blocks boil down to believing you are not deserving. It may appear to be fear of losing, but getting to the core, it’s fear of having. If you were to have -- money, love, success, etc. - that would mean those notions are false. Too scary to your primitive fear-based consciousness that depends on those notions to be right.

Once you know that your abundance is the mirrored result of your lack of deservingness, what do you do about it?

Releasing those energetic blocks, clearing them by getting to their origins, is the powerful inner work I do in Perfect Life Awakening. By finding the sources that connect you to scarcity, limitation and lack, you release their hold on you and deservingness can blossom. You stop holding yourself back from living an abundant life.

Are you ready to let go of abundance blocks?

Deserve to.


The work Royce does helps you discover and resolve what has closed your heart. This profound work assists you in releasing false programmed notions, so you re-discover and re-connect with your authentic self. It takes you from triggered to empowered to help end subconscious self-sabotage. Perfect Life Awakening brings spirituality down to earth with tools you can apply in any situation.

Royce Morales is a renowned spiritual trailblazer who has been teaching her innovative approach to inner transformation for decades. Perfect Life Awakening is a time-tested path to empowerment!

If you are struggling to find joy, meaning and self-love, this inner adventure can shift your consciousness, awaken you to a life of deservingness, and connect you to your authentic self.

Royce offers in person and remote group classes and private inner journey sessions using her empowering spiritual clearing techniques.

Royce hosts "The Perfect Life Awakening Show" on Om Media, first and third Wednesdays of the month at 9:00 a.m. PT. Listen to past episodes on iHeartRadio.

Royce's column "A Higher Perspective on Life" is published quarterly in Healthy Living Magazine.

Subscribe to Royce's YouTube channel where she shares enlightening information about her empowering, spiritually based teachings!

Royce authored three fascinating books about her teachings:

“Want: True love, past lives and other complications” explains the eternal connection of soulmates and the lessons that arrives from them.

“Know: A Spiritual Wake-Up Call” details in a step-by-step way, Royce's profound teachings that help you get in touch with who you really are by getting to the root of self-sabotage. Read more here.

“Back: Rebirth After Stroke” is Royce's personal spiritual journey after her husband's stroke that will help you through any traumatic event.

All Royce's books are available on

Her website is and Twitter is @RoyceMorales.

Her YouTube channel is Royce Morales. Email is

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