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Updated: Mar 15

It is New Year’s day. I’m sitting in my living room snuggling under my purple blanket after shoveling the first round of snow. I’m pondering the last few doozy years, time that brought many of us to our knees in anger and hopelessness. Often it felt surreal, like being in a dream state, that limbo time before being fully awake.

For me, these few years have brought an ongoing slew of life lessons, ones I apparently needed to fully absorb.

One of my Big Ones this life is learning patience. Yeah, managing that mysterious, seemingly endless time, time when it seems like nothing is happening.

Like my husband’s recovery from a massive stroke eight years ago.

Strokes can take a helluva long time to “come back” from. And Michael's is no exception. Although he has made progress, it’s inches on a ten-yard measuring tape. Since I’m with him all the time, I don’t see much improvement, but others do which helps me trust that, yes, there is hope.

The hardest part is getting him to care about his recovery.

Pre-stroke Michael cared passionately about everything. However, his stroke affected his frontal lobe which just happens to be the part of the brain in charge of motivation.

So, no matter how many times I remind him that, the Old Michael would NEVER want to be the way he is, it’s like talking to a wall.

Which is actually quite Zen-like: Full acceptance of what is. Okay, I’m envious.

I’ve met dozens of stroke survivors who remind me that it takes years to recover and to never give up. Okay, I will never give up. On Michael or whatever this wild transition the world is going through.

My other sub-lesson is trusting that challenges are leading somewhere. Gracefully weathering the limbo period, the time it takes to get wherever I am going, is killer.

Through decades of teaching others about trust, I have pretty much mastered it for myself. I have learned that the "between-time" is actually when the most is happening. Things are integrating, pieces are falling into place, others are arriving in our life, and we are being prepped for our next leap.

Honestly, the longer the limbo, the bigger that leap will be.

I find that soon we will look back to where we were and understand why it needed to take as long as it took. Divine Timing is what I call it.

There is incredible value in learning to patiently wait through a transition time. It takes courage to sit in that mystery, to admit what no longer works without knowing what will, to not make rash decisions or give up in frustration. Transitions from one way of being to another can’t be rushed; a new life can’t be forced into existence. Labor takes as long as it takes; resistance only makes it harder.

And Michael will take as long as he takes to return completely.

So much of life requires that we simply. Just. Wait. In. Courage. And. Trust.

If you, too, are in a time of transition, give yourself whatever helps you sit bravely in uncertainty. Remember: You are a spirit choosing to be on an amazing adventure in this physical realm. Enjoy the ride and remember: We are all doing this together!

I wish you a New Year filled with trust, patience and courage for any leap you are about to take.

As the saying goes: “Leap and the net will appear.”


Royce Morales is a renowned spiritual trailblazer who has been teaching her innovative approach to inner transformation for decades. She developed Perfect Life Awakening, a spiritually based program, to take you from triggered to empowered!

Royce hosts "The Perfect Life Awakening Show" on Om Media, first and third Wednesdays of the month at 9:00 a.m. PT. Listen to past episodes on iHeartRadio.

Perfect Life Awakening provides tools to discover and resolve sources of subconscious, self-sabotaging inner programming. This profound work brings enlightenment down to earth and unlocks the door to your highest potential.

If you are struggling to find joy, meaning and self-love, this inner adventure can shift your consciousness, awaken you to a life of deservingness, and connect you to your authentic self.

Royce offers in person and remote group classes and private inner journey sessions using her empowering spiritual clearing techniques.

Subscribe to Royce's YouTube channel where she shares enlightening information about her empowering, spiritually based teachings!

Royce is the author of three fascinating books about her teachings:

“Want: True love, past lives and other complications” explains the eternal connection of soulmates and the lessons that arrives from them.

“Know: A Spiritual Wake-Up Call” details in a step-by-step way, Royce's profound teachings that help you get in touch with who you really are by getting to the root of self-sabotage. Read more here.

“Back: Rebirth After Stroke” is Royce's personal spiritual journey after her husband's stroke that will help you through any traumatic event.

All Royce's books are available on

Her website is and Twitter is @RoyceMorales.

Her YouTube channel is Royce Morales. Email is

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