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Updated: Mar 15

Whether you know it or not, you are in a struggle for your personal freedom. Your complex relationship with parents can be what is holding you back from a life of authenticity.

Even if they are no longer with you, or you moved out decades ago, they hold invisible strings.

Consciously or subconsciously, their judgments are felt about your chosen lifestyle. You sense their upset when your values differ from theirs. The expectations, hopes and dreams they had for your destiny might still be tugging at you. You might be living the life you want but not enjoying it

This conflicting battle takes its toll no matter your age, your level of success, or how loudly you proclaim independence.

On a primal level, parents symbolize survival. Afterall, you would not have been born or survived without them. That fear-based bond is difficult to break, a deep program that gets triggered all the time. You go through the motions of disconnection, but no matter how hard you try, you feel resentment, hurt, confusion, guilt and fear. Add to that, they are the people who love you the most in the world. And, no matter how many buttons they push, chances are you love them dearly as well.

As a spirit born into a physical body, you chose this particular set of parents for important higher consciousness reasons. The struggles you have with them were chosen as perfect ways to learn the lessons you are here to master. It is not uncommon to be cleaning things up with them from previous lifetimes, or completing situations that were left dangling.

Plus, this was a mutual choice -- they chose you for their spiritual growth as well. Perhaps you are here to be their best teacher, their hero, the inspiration for their evolutionary journey as well.

The challenge in this relationship is learning to trust your own journey no matter what you were told, or the expectations layered on you. You were born with their genes, and saw them as role models, heroes or villains, but your duty is to discover, embrace and evolve your true self.

Honoring your parents as well as your own evolution might mean challenging their perceptions, structures, demands, fears —and in the long run transcending them. Not from hate, but from a place of gratitude and authentic growth.

You are here to break through programmed limitations you bought into, knowing you deserve to be empowered, aware, trusting and living from love. Doing that is a life process and is enhanced by noticing what they reflect to you. You chose them to be your best mirrors helping to see your blind spots, your denial. It might be tough to admit, but seeing yourself in the qualities you dislike about them will help awaken your authenticity.

By shifting resentment and anger to gratitude for the transformational gifts they offer, relationship with your parents will transform. And, more importantly, your relationship with yourself will evolve.

It is up to you to break free from those invisible chains and live the life you deserve.


Royce Morales is a renowned spiritual trailblazer who has been teaching her innovative approach to inner transformation for decades. She developed Perfect Life Awakening, a spiritually-based program, to take you from triggered to empowered!

Perfect Life Awakening provides tools to discover and resolve sources of subconscious, self-sabotaging inner programming. This profound work brings enlightenment down to earth, and unlocks the door to your highest potential.

If you are struggling to find joy, meaning and self-love, this inner adventure can shift your consciousness, awaken you to a life of deservingness, and connect you to your authentic self.

Royce offers in person and remote group classes and private inner journey sessions using her empowering spiritual clearing techniques.

Subscribe to Royce's YouTube channel where she shares enlightening information about her empowering, spiritually-based teachings!

"Listen Up with Royce Morales!" is Royce's monthly radio program that focuses on listening to your intuition, your spiritual knowingness!

She interviews fascinating people who have listened and trusted their intuition in big ways. Airing the fourth Monday of every month at 9:00 a.m. PST on

Royce is the author of three fascinating books about her teachings:

“Want: True love, past lives and other complications” explains the eternal connection of soulmates and the lessons that arrives from them.

“Know: A Spiritual Wake-Up Call” details in a step-by-step way, Royce's profound teachings that help you get in touch with who you really are by getting to the root of self-sabotage. Read more here.

“Back: Rebirth After Stroke” is Royce's personal spiritual journey after her husband's stroke that will help you through any traumatic event.

All Royce's books are available on

Her website is and Twitter is @RoyceMorales.

Her YouTube channel is Royce Morales. Email is

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