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Life's Challenges

Updated: Mar 15

Living in this world, we all have calamities, losses and failures. Some grow stronger with each challenge and there are those who get pulled into anger and blame. Others drop into despondency and apathy, giving up in hopelessness.

What’s the difference between these types of people?

I have seen that those who gain power from life’s challenges are anchored in a deeper place within themselves. They feel less attachment to this physical reality, realizing they are a spirit temporarily inhabiting a body. They know that feeling secure, validated, loved and empowered comes from within.

They also know that everything that happens in life was attracted as a way to help them wake up and remember who they really are so they can live from a purposeful place. During these last few years, I have been gifted with a list of difficult things – my husband’s debilitating stroke, closing our businesses, losing our home. But because of my inner practice, each situation made me stronger, more resilient, more compassionate, more creative and more trusting. Those gains happened because I was able to shift how I experienced them.

Not by suppressing or denying how painful they were, or how frightened I was. Rather, by using them as inspiration to go even deeper in my inner work.

Granted, it was not always easy, but I trusted that each challenge was exposing more about myself, awakening me to even deeper levels of denial.

Apparently, the best way for me to “get it” was to be hit over the head. Not as punishment, rather as a way to experientially find the next aspects of my life purpose.

Looking back at what unfolded, I would not have been able to attain a more empowered place without those events. I already believed I was strong, fearless and trusting, but what I went through showed me where I was not and why.

Everything I went through was preparing me for the upcoming global pandemic. My higher consciousness sensed that the world was about to change dramatically, and I needed to be ready, willing and even stronger.

The universe offers perfect and perfectly timed openings to help us reclaim our power. It is our life-partner, assisting us in becoming the person we are meant to be. Often in ways that seem scary.

It is up to us to shift how we perceive these events, seeing them as divinely designed lessons. To discover opportunities to clean up things we are not aware of. To not feel beaten down but rather lifted up to locate more of our denial.

These challenges provide proof that we are the cause of our life rather than the effect of its conditions. We are not victims. We set it all up. All of it.

Rather than attempting to force ourselves to feel grateful, we are being escorted there to experience it from an authenticity.

Life-shifting events can bring us to understand that everything happens for our highest good. Everything is helping us awaken to, be ready for and live our true purpose.

But it is up to us to ask the inner questions that will open doors to embody and align with the truth.

And it is up to us to start now.


Royce Morales is a renowned spiritual trailblazer who has been teaching her innovative approach to inner transformation for decades. She developed Perfect Life Awakening, a spiritually-based program, to take you from triggered to empowered!

Royce hosts "The Perfect Life Awakening Show" on Om Media, first and third Wednesdays of the month at 9:00 a.m. PT.

Perfect Life Awakening provides tools to discover and resolve sources of subconscious, self-sabotaging inner programming. This profound work brings enlightenment down to earth and unlocks the door to your highest potential.

If you are struggling to find joy, meaning and self-love, this inner adventure can shift your consciousness, awaken you to a life of deservingness, and connect you to your authentic self.

Royce offers in person and remote group classes and private inner journey sessions using her empowering spiritual clearing techniques.

Subscribe to Royce's YouTube channel where she shares enlightening information about her empowering, spiritually based teachings!

Royce is the author of three fascinating books about her teachings:

“Want: True love, past lives and other complications” explains the eternal connection of soulmates and the lessons that arrives from them.

“Know: A Spiritual Wake-Up Call” details in a step-by-step way, Royce's profound teachings that help you get in touch with who you really are by getting to the root of self-sabotage. Read more here.

“Back: Rebirth After Stroke” is Royce's personal spiritual journey after her husband's stroke that will help you through any traumatic event.

All Royce's books are available on

Her website is and Twitter is @RoyceMorales.

Her YouTube channel is Royce Morales. Email is

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